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2003-11-15 - 7:48 a.m.

I've morphed into the happypickle...

Enjoy ^_^

2003-10-15 - 9:54 a.m.

Had a rather fun evening last night - got picked up by friends and went shopping all over the place. Not that I had any money (now I do, it's payday ^_^ ) but it was still fun. I grabbed the last volume of the Chobits manga, and had dinner at a nice pizza place that was having a really off night. My pizza was too spicy or something and my friends salad was weird too. Oh well.

It being payday it's time for my mid-month shopping spree of sorts. Going to grab a 4X dvd burner for my P4, some old mac parts for evil hacking experiments, and maybe an electric scooter of some sort.

I need to clean today and thursday. I always say that but I have a friend coming over and there's some stuff that obviously needs to get sorted out. So hopefully tonight.

Anyway I should go get coffee. See ya later.

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